Strategies for Detoxing Your Online Life

If you are going to spend time online, the energy and people you surround yourself with should reflect what you want to be receiving in your physical environment. If you find this is not the case, you can take some simple steps to change that. Scrolling through your time line and feeds is like watching the news. Do you want to fill it with CNN or NPR or worse, FOX?

Do you choose inspiration or negativity?

You are kidding yourself if you think you do not have control over this. You most certainly do. The world is changing. Positivity And a healthy lifestyle are no longer just ‘trends’ they are the energies and life goals people are looking to both attract and emanate. We are now more connected than ever. If you look at what is filtering through your phone and you find it is not what you want. It is simple –  Just fix it!

1. Unfollow people who are draining your energy

Beyond negativity, disconnect and distance yourself from people who are an energetic drain. If what they are speaking about is not in line with who you are and where you are headed unfollow or unfriend. Doing just this one thing will automatically energetically align your feeds with what you want and need to be surrounding yourself with. This does not mean don’t show compassion and cut people out. It means be compassionate at an arms length. We can better care for others when we take care of our own space.

2. When content pops up you do not want to be seeing – block or unfollow

Algorithms will do their magic to show you less of what you don’t like. If you continue to see the same things showing up, this means you are either:  A) clicking on them; or B)  looking directly at them. 🙂  So, if current politics are a bother to you, as an example, you can’t be both reading political stories all of the time and complaining that you are being sent them at the same time.

Make sense? Make your choice, pick your battles! What do you want to see? Make your bed and lie in it. It really does work. This may seem like work but your heart and mind will thank you. But we are a product of what we surround ourselves with and this means online as well. I don’t know about you, but I  would rather have some sort of control over what Information Is being filtered AT me.

To block a particular topic from showing up, hide it. If all of the content someone is sharing is not working for you unfollow them completely.

Clicking on the 3 dots next to any post to do this:


3. Note mentors – coaches – family – and newsworthy sources as ” See First ”

This prioritizes the posts of the people you truly care to hear from. And at the same time, makes sure you don’t miss out on information you actually want to be seeing.


4. Remove yourself from groups you no longer use and those adding no value

Your online time can be a source of education and personal development instead of racket and constant noise. To get to this point, you need to take the time to remove the clutter. Remove what you do not want and are not using. And you will be left with just those things which are useful to you. Think of this exercise similar to cleaning your clothes closet. Once you are done, all you are left with are clothes which fit, are useful and you enjoy.  Just the nice good looking outfits~

To remove yourself from a group, do the following:

  • Click on Groups – located in the left bar of your main page
  • Scroll down to “Your groups”


  • Click on the little Star next to a group you want to remove – Choose Leave Group
  • You will be offered the option to prevent people from adding you back to the group. Click it off – and choose leave group


5. Join New groups aligning with your interests 

Is there anything else which interests you? Seek it out and add it to the mix. People are now meeting not only over interactive pages, but in live forums and classrooms using tools like Zoom. If you keep up with this type of flow your Facebook, and other tools like it, will be filled with things you actually want to see. Things that motivate and inspire you instead of drag you down. How about adding some value to your day? 🙂 You are kidding yourself If you think you do not have control of this.

After all, Energy follows attention.

6. Share Who You are In An Authentic and Meaningful Way

Lastly, and perhaps most important. We attract what we put out. What Inspires you? What do you care about? What makes you smile and want to get up in the morning. Sharing what you love with others will attract more of what you love back to you. What we send out we definitely get back.

Share who you are with others. Seek connection and inspiration. You will find, in time, your online life will reflect your “Real Life” in a way that is authentic, supportive and motivating. Life is, after all, about learning. sharing and growing. I am and continue to be blown away by what I have connected with online.

Here are just a few examples:

  • I mentor directly under a psychotherapist who lives in Switzerland
  • I meet daily at 6 AM with an International Pranic healing meditation group
  • I am part of a Group of 25,000+ strong of healthy and motivated people
  • I have a fitness coach and mentor in Denver who is a complete Rockstar
  • I have learned loads about my gardening from complete and utter strangers

What do you want! Go and Get it! 🙂 The Ultimate benefit of all of this, is the physical you will reap the rewards.

Much Love to You,


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