SKILLS & TRAITS Naturally sees Joy in the littlest of things Connects in a meaningful way with others and the world around her Is authentic and believes in one sense of self Lives by the golden rule Believes the world is a safe, loving and supportive place Loves helping others remove fear and clear blocks…

Basics for A New Moon Ritual

Create a Sacred Space. In my opinion there are no rules for this! Simply create any quiet space free of distraction where energy can flow freely.   Purify and Cleanse the Space Using sage, incense, or simply the power of intention, ask that the space you are using be free of any energy which does…

High Vibration Planning for 2018

Hi Friends. I’d Love to share with you today the amazing planner I’ve used going on 3 years now. It has truly helped me with being intentional and accountable with my life. And also, immensely in aligning my goal setting with my spiritual life/self. The Journal is Called The Power of the Mastermind. I was…